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The Paleonaut - by Kjelshus Collins




The Paleonaut - by Kjelshus Collins

"Aeons before La Mer swallowed the great empires of Atlantis and Lemuria, and the Magii of Shamballa fended off the Darkness, during the reign of the Lizard Kings, an arcane underworld existed through astral realms. A city where majik and science were one and the same, a single way station belonging to an imperium of races connected through time and space by powers of divine cosmic origin, wherein there existed physical and ethereal beings intermingled as one harnessing the residual energies of forgone species to power their esoteric technologies. A single lost artifact remains on this plane of existence, an OOPART, a magical device, a statue of divination; it is only know by humans as THE PALEONAUT."

DIY Vinyl Toy.
7 inches tall.
Comes bagged with header designed by Sean Vali.

Manufactured in Mexico by 3CoconutMonkey.

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